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Older father and son hugging

Life insurance’s enduring, generational legacy

Mark is still grieving the loss of his father Jacob, who passed away in September 2021.

His four young children are grieving the loss of their beloved grandfather. The sadness in Mark’s* voice is tangible.

Born in 1951, Jacob* was like most men of that era: proud, independent and stoic. Jacob devoted his life to helping others during his career as a fireman. After he retired, his vision deteriorated and he moved to Northern NSW with his wife Rebecca*. They rented a cottage and lived a simple life together until Rebecca passed away in 2016.

Despite living eight hours and 800km apart, Jacob and Mark were extremely close. Father and son spoke regularly on the phone. Both Jacob and Rebecca had a ClearView life insurance policy, although how that came about is a mystery to Mark.

He knew that Rebecca moved from another insurer to ClearView only 18 months before her untimely death, which meant she did not meet the usual 24 month waiting period requirement.

However, ClearView’s policy of honouring cover with a previous insurer if it has been held for more than two years, meant that this requirement could be waived, providing Jacob with vital funds at a very difficult time.

Family sitting on couch looking at photo album

“For my dad, who was basically blind and had just lost his wife, it made an enormous difference,” Mark says.

“My dad had very little in terms of possessions. He was very appreciative of Rebecca’s foresight because he could cover his expenses and stay in their home until he died.”

Mark is the beneficiary of his father’s policy. When his father passed away, the policy benefits helped to pay for the funeral; clean his dad’s home and move furniture; and finalise his father’s estate.

All of this organisation and administration required Mark to take time off work.

Mark finds it difficult to express the gratitude he feels for his dad’s foresight to take out cover in the first instance and the discipline to diligently pay premiums, despite all of life’s other financial pressures.

“Dad was a simple man. Each month, he paid his rent first, then his insurance premiums, and everything else came after that.”

The payment Mark received enabled him and his family to focus on grieving without the additional stress of worrying about money including the pressure to rush back to work.

“Dad was a simple man. Each month, he paid his rent first, then his insurance premiums, and everything else came after that,” Mark says.

“Dad was always concerned about the future because he didn’t want to be a burden on me. That was his motivation for having life insurance.”

From the first conversation Mark had with ClearView, he experienced nothing but compassion, empathy and understanding.

“The experience of lodging a claim was much less stressful than I expected, in fact, it was simple,” he says.

“Not only was dad’s policy paid out quickly but throughout the process I was able to pick up the phone and talk to someone kind and responsive. To them, talking to customers is just part of their job, but to me, it really made an enormous difference during one of the difficult times in my life.”

Life Cover

Life insurance cover pays a lump sum amount to your nominated beneficiaries in the event of your death, or if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness. It is sometimes also referred to as death cover.

Customers can select the amount they wish to be insured for up to a set maximum level, depending on their living costs and major expenses such as mortgage repayments, school fees and loans, as well as the existing amount of savings or assets they have.

Key stages of life when people commonly seek cover include when they have children, buy a home or are planning to retire but still have some debts to repay.

*Not their real name.

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